
My endnote web
My endnote web

my endnote web

Camelot UK Bidco Limited ("Clarivate Analytics") has developed a proprietary software application known as EndNote® (the "Software").

my endnote web my endnote web

If you would like to understand more about all of the rights that you or your employer have to use the Product, you should refer to the institutional site license agreement between you or your employer and Clarivate or authorized resellers.īACKGROUND. UNDER SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES, YOUR USE OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE GOVERNED SOLELY BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH LICENSE. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT APPLY IF YOU HAVE OBTAINED ACCESS TO THIS PRODUCT PURSUANT TO AN INSTITUTIONAL SITE LICENSE. User Registration: Complete the registration to use my. by accepting the End User License Agreement.

My endnote web